Charity in its purest essence

All proceeds go directly to those who need it, with 0 admin fees.

Manage your tax receipts, get proof of donation, and more.

100% of your donation goes to those who need it

Kinship pays for any processing or bank fees out of pocket, unless you opt to contribute it.

Download tax receipts from your dashboard

You can access and download CRA-eligible tax receipts from your dashboard.

Receive proof of donation on your dashboard

You will receive proof of all donations you make.

Reach those most in need

Kinship can help direct your donations to those most in need. With your help, we can lift the next generation out of poverty and give them the education, funding, and tools needed to stand on their own feet.


Help the next generation get on their feet. Break the cycle of poverty through education.


Cover an orphans basic housing, food, educational, and clothing needs.


Provide a roof over the heads of those who need it most. Help them get back on their feet by providing a reliable place to stay.

Medical Aid

Contribute to much needed medical aid, including life-saving operations and medication.

Poverty Relief

Covers general needs of those in poverty or in extreme situation of needs, such as emergency medical relief, food & water, and more.

Khums Donations

Kinship is registered to recieve and distribute Khums donations, also eligible for a tax receipt.

Ready to contribute?Make a donation & receive a tax receipt today.

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